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Atkinson's Tempo Field Theory - Chapter Summaries


Part III - Appraisal

Before embarking on the application of the model to quantum physics, the author reviews the merits of the case put forward so far. In particular to the comprehensive way it can be applied to current problems, which together with its pleasing symmetry and form leads to the recognition of its inevitable truth.

Chapter 19
New Answers to Old Questions

Olbers’ Paradox is argued and resolved by the application of the Tempo field theory to the propagation of light. The microwave background radiation is also examined and found not to be an echo of the big bang. It is shown to be the result of a great number of  electromagnetic waves from very distant sources having to traverse the Tempo field. This conclusion precludes the big bang theory and an expanding universe.

Chapter 20
Atomic Clocks and What They can Show us Besides the Time

This chapter reiterates the postulates relating to the light in the Tempo field, with particular reference to clocks, both atomic and pendulum. The values required for a pendulum in a clock are likened to the values of the beam of light in an atomic clock.

Chapter 21
A Flight with Einstein

A spaceship flight with Einstein is compared with a notional flight with the author. This illustrates graphically the improved understanding we now have of time dilation and its effects on motion. The spaceships are also used to illustrate the constancy of mass, contrary to the postulates of Einstein.

Part IV - The Model and Quantum Physics

Inevitably certain quantum ideas have to be discussed in earlier chapters. However, this part of the book is exclusively for exploring quantum effects.

Chapter 22
Time Dimensions

The necessity for light to propagate in its own dimension is explained. The consequential effects of a light wave oscillating in its own time dimension while situate in the Tempo field, are reviewed and contrasted with Einsteinian relativity.

Chapter 23
The Essential Tests

There are certain tests that any quantum theory must give acceptable answers to. These are entanglement, the particle wave duality for photons and electrons, the two slit experiment and quantum tunnelling. The tests are all successfully reasoned by the application of the author’s new approach to quantum physics.

Chapter 24

This subject was encountered in the early chapters of the book, but being of such importance, it merits a chapter to itself. The historical perspective is first given and then the new quantum explanation is set out. The quantum explanation works for all matter independently and does not require the influence of any surrounding matter or distant stars.

Chapter 25

Some ideas are reviewed that have been worked through in previous chapters and some final conclusions are drawn. Notably the Higgs boson for example, is shown not to be required. In addition the dire consequences that would result in the universe, if mass were a variable, are pointed out.


A series of 11 appendices follow which elaborate on the chapters.

  1. Time and the Speed of Light
  1. Time and Quantum Energy
  1. Time and Quantum Gravity
  1. The Speed of Gravity
  1. An Argument Against the Existence of Gravity Waves
  1. A Proof that the Measurement of Distance Does not Vary with Speed
  1. The Physics of Accelerating Systems Amended
  1. A Reasoned Model of a Non-Expanding but Stable Universe on the Large Scale
  1. Adjustments to the Calculations on Orbital Dynamics that Obviate the Need for Dark Matter or Dark Energy
  1. Photons and Time
  1. Cosmological Redshift