Tempo Field Theory Title Image

The Emission of Radio Waves from Massive Active Galactic Nuclei.

In my Paper on the subject of black holes, available on this website, I advanced the argument that it is not possible to model the creation of a notional black hole, when the corrections in the Tempo field theory are applied. To be precise, the Tempo field theory does not admit of the formation of the requisite degenerate matter. The Pauli exclusion force is not, as was previously thought, relativisticly affected. The internal pressure of the atom does not fall off when the gravitational forces are increased to the point where the electrons are moving apart close to the speed of light. The rigidity that is therefore, allowed to remain in the atom, precludes the notion of the continuous collapse of matter, required to make a black hole. This new concept is made possible by the theory's postulate that the speed of light measured by a body, increases in proportion to its increase in time dilation, (see Part 4 of Paper 'E=mc2'). A further important consequence of this is that regardless of how massive the body becomes, light will always exceed its escape velocity.

The Tempo field model requires light from a super massive body such as at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, to be greatly red shifted when overcoming the massive gravitational effect as it escapes. The escaping light emitted from the central nucleus of our galaxy, will be so red shifted it will be in the long radio wavelength of the spectrum.

However, that is not the end of the story, the radio waves have to make their way from the centre of the galaxy to where we are, approximately two thirds the way out on the underside of one of the spiral arms. As the radio waves travel outwards through the galaxy, they will become weaker in proportion to the inverse square of the distance. In addition, because the radio waves have to travel through the galaxy that is heavily populated with stars and other gravitational matter, they will be constantly pulled to and fro, which will markedly drain its energy. As a result of this interference, the waves will become further red shifted. The gravitational effect that induces the redshift will also pull off photons of radio wave energy, making the radio waves even weaker, by the time they reach us.

I therefore predict, that if we put a suitable directional radio detector in space, it should pick up radio waves that are weak but several times stronger than the background level, so that they can be sourced back to the centre of the galaxy. Should it become possible at some time in the future, to travel in a spaceship, fast enough towards the oncoming radio waves for them to become sufficiently blue shifted, the central nucleus of our galaxy would become visible to those in the spaceship.