Tempo Field Theory Title Image

Part I


This More about the Tempo Field Theory of edited highlights are confined to the introduction of a new model for time called 'The Tempo Field Theory' with some examples of its application.  When attempting a model on a subject as abstruse as time, it is necessary to keep rigidly to known scientific facts while consolidating a synthesis from observation.  In the past a confused and misleading picture of time has developed by specialists analyzing mathematically the part relevant to their specialty.  We are here attempting to correct the position by proffering a synthesis of the whole.  Accordingly the model starts with some general inferences on time derived from observation.

Time is an entity in its own right.  It is a force or influence that acts on and in conjunction with energy.  The relationship between energy and time is symbiotically close.  One cannot exist without the other.

Time can be thought of as 'energy's way of quantizing itself'.  Certainly it is the case that energy cannot exist without time.  No process can take place, or matter exist, without both energy and time.  We know that energy is comprised in and emanates from the atom.  From the simple and natural picture formed when the facts are marshalled in this way, it does not take a great leap of imagination to conclude that the source of time will also need to be the atom, if it is to parallel energy from its inception.  This realization is of great significance and to paraphrase Neil Armstrong, it may be a short step for the imagination but it is a great leap for science.

For science this revolutionary if prosaic concept, opens up whole new avenues of thought and research.  Once the postulate is accepted that time has a source and does not merely exist in a flat continuum, requiring objects to warp and twist it, as in general relativity, then we have the explanation for a great number of the quandaries of science.  For example, an explanation can now be modelled for, the variation of time and the formation of a time field, action at a distance, quantum gravity, the quantum particle-wave duality.  All of which fall within the compass of this theory.

The Structure of the Tempo Field.

We know that light, that is to say, electromagnetic waves are given off from an atom when it is excited.  The wavelength or colour of the light will depend on the element formed by the atom.  The light wave, because it comes from a point source, shines out radially, and therefore obeys the inverse square law.  Time can be similarly modelled, in that it emanates from the same point source and will therefore likewise obey the inverse square law.

Because time is infinitely fast it will not have the normal wave action for us, but will be like a standing wave that is constantly being renewed.  In this model these waves are virtual standing waves called Tempos.  They have a very small wavelength, at the Planck scale, so that they will not pass to either side of even the very smallest particle.  Being individually weak they are nonetheless able to act in concert to form a variable Tempo field.

Because it is a virtual weakly interacting standing wave of very small wavelength, it can 'shine' through matter, uniting with the Tempo waves of the matter's own atoms.  Locally therefore, the Tempo field will be at its densest, that is to say, where time is the most dilated, at the centre of a star or planet.  The larger the star or planet the greater the time dilation.

The time of a body can be further dilated by increasing its speed.  This can be explained when we envisage the Tempo field comprising virtual waves.  Each wave is propagated instantaneously, having the effect of a standing wave.  If we now think of a body moving through such a standing wave, the general effect of the wave on the body will be increased by the wave's compression.  This is similar to the Doppler effect.  The compression or blueing of the time wave will intensify and therefore dilate the time locally on the moving body.  It will not however, affect the field.  It is only a local effect, particular to the body, and does not increase the strength of the Tempo field radiated from it.

The reader will have noticed how this model of time closely resembles the way light works.  Indeed if it wasn't for the immediacy of time they would almost mirror one another.  I submit that this is not just a coincidence.  Light and time are so closely linked because light is propagated relative to time.  We perceive light to be propagated relative to our time dilation.

This conclusion is unavoidable when we consider the three postulates for the propagation of light.  The first is that light travels at a constant speed.  The second is that light has a constant closing speed regardless of the motion of the source, and the third is that the closing speed of light is constant regardless of the motion of the observer.  The connecting feature of these postulates is that they are each time dependant.

There is a further feature of the interdependence of light and time that serves to illustrate that they are both emitted from the atom and that time is not warped by mass or gravity.  If an imaginary journey is taken to the centre of the Sun, where the electromagnetic energy will be at its brightest, then we will find that time also is at its brightest, that is to say at its most dilated.  On the other hand gravity will not exist there.  It will be cancelled out in all directions.  So if time and light are at their maximum at a point in the Sun, where gravity does not exist, we can deduce that time as well as light is produced from the atoms making up the Sun's mass.

This example of time dilation, together with that induced by body's motion, demonstrates that dilated time can exist without gravity, but gravity cannot exist without dilated time.  This indicates that time is the agent of gravity and not the other way about.  It can also be deduced that gravity cannot be the result of the warping of space, by the Sun's mass, as propounded in general relativity, or the warping effect would also be at its maximum at the Sun's centre.  It would not be able to cancel out.  These aspects of gravity are pursued in the book when dealing with quantum gravity.

Click here to read Part 2 of this Digest, on 'The Revolutionary Consequences of Applying the Law of The Conservation of Energy to the Tempo Field'.